Acrylic block, Bat and bat skeleton, set in acrylic resin T325
Acrylic block, Bat, Bamboo bat set in resin dome
Acrylic block, Bat, Greater bamboo bat, set in acrylic resin DD210
Acrylic block, Bee, Fantastic hornet, wasp and bee collection, set in acrylic resin
Acrylic block, Bee, Honey Bee life cycle, set in acrylic resin
Acrylic block, Bee, Life cycle of the Honey bee set in Acrylic Resin
Acrylic block, Bee, Simplified Honey Bee life cycle
Acrylic block, Beetle, 10 beetles, set in acrylic resin
Acrylic block, Beetle, 3 Chafer Beetles set in acrylic resin
Acrylic block, Beetle, 3 Colorful Scarab Beetles set in acrylic resin
Acrylic block, Beetle, 5 Horned Rhinoceros Beetle
Acrylic block, Beetle, 8 Beautiful, Iridescent Green Beetles, set in acrylic resin
Acrylic block, Beetle, 9 Beetles set in acrylic resin
Acrylic block, Beetle, Mountain Stag Beetle set in acrylic resin
Acrylic block, Butterfly, Life cycle of the cabbage butterfly, set in acrylic resin
Acrylic block, Centipede, Giant Centipede set in acrylic resin
Acrylic block, Cicada, Life Cycle of the Cicada set in acrylic resin
Acrylic block, Crayfish, Red Swamp Crayfish set in acrylic resin DD3
Acrylic block, Dragonfly, Life Cycle of the Dragonfly set in acrylic resin
Acrylic block, Hearts, 5 Comparative Hearts set in acrylic resin
Acrylic block, Hornet, Wasp, and Paper Wasp, set in acrylic resin
Acrylic block, Mantis Shrimp set in acrylic resin
Acrylic block, Octopus set in acrylic resin
Acrylic block, Piranha (Pristobrycon denticulatus) set in acrylic resin
Acrylic block, Praying Mantis set in Acrylic Resin
Acrylic block, Scorpion set in acrylic resin
Acrylic block, Scorpion, 3 Scorpions set in Acrylic Resin
Acrylic block, Scorpion, Black Scorpion set in Acrylic Resin
Acrylic block, Scorpion, Simplified Golden scorpion life cycle, set in acrylic resin
Acrylic block, Spider, Collection of 3 Spiders, set in acrylic resin
Acrylic block, Spider, Giant Orb Weaver Spider set in acrylic resin
Acrylic block, Spider, Orb Weaver (medium) set in acrylic resin
Acrylic block, Spider, Simplified Spider life cycle set in resin
Acrylic block, Spider, Tarantula set in acrylic resin
Acrylic block, Stick Insect with Stick, set in Acrylic Resin
Adorable bird on a perch earrings
Alligator tail, articulated bones
Ant, Polyrhachis armata, Armored Ant
Bat Skeleton (large) set in acrylic resin
Bat Skeleton, Small, set in acrylic resin
Bat skull (Intermediate roundleaf ) (23)
Bat, Diadem leaf-nosed bat skull, real bone (#8)
Bat, Diadem leaf-nosed Bat, mounted in a glass dome
Bat, Dramatic, red bat, mounted in a glass dome
Bat, Fruit bat skeleton hanging in a glass dome (RL)
Bat, Greater short nosed fruit bat skull mounted in a glass dome CS
Bat, Greater short-nosed Fruit Bat skeleton hanging in a Glass dome CS
Bat, Horse shoe Bats (2) mounted in a glass dome
Bat, skeleton, spread and mounted in a black frame
Beautiful, actual Lesser false vampire bat specimen hanging, with wings in a folded position. Love the ears on this species! MS
Beautiful, Cameo Bull mouth sea shell
Bee, Beautiful, black carpenter bee, suspended in a plastic frame
Bee, Xylocopa aestuans, Carpenter Bee Specimen
Bee, Xylocopa caerulea, Carpenter Bee Specimen
Bee, Xylocopa latipes, Carpenter Bee Specimen
Bee, Yellow carpenter bee, spread and suspended in a plastic frame
Beetle, “Mechanical” Rhinoceros beetle, spread and mounted in a black frame
Beetle, Beautiful Jewel beetle from Madagascar, spread and mounted in a glass dome (F)
Beetle, Beautiful Jewel Beetle mounted in a glass dome (H)
Beetle, Beautiful Jewel Beetle mounted in a glass dome (I)
Beetle, Beautiful Jewel Beetle mounted in a glass dome (J)
Beetle, Beautiful Jewel Beetle mounted in a glass dome (N)
Beetle, Beautiful Jewel Beetle mounted in a glass dome (O)
Beetle, Beautiful Jewel Beetle mounted in a glass dome (P)
Beetle, Beautiful Rhinoceros Beetle mounted in a glass dome
Beetle, Beautiful scarab beetle mounted in a glass dome (M)
Beetle, Beautiful, Blue Jewel Beetle mounted in a glass dome (K)
Beetle, Beautiful, Green Jewel Beetle mounted in a glass dome (Q)
Beetle, Beautiful, Red scarab beetle, mounted in a glass dome (L)
Beetle, Black and blue striped longhorn beetle, mounted in a glass dome
Beetle, Blue weevil, mounted in a glass dome
Beetle, Campsosternus cyaniventris, Papered Click Beetle
Beetle, Chrysochroa aurora, Jewel Beetle Papered Specimen
Beetle, Elegant Stag beetle, spread and mounted in a black, wooden frame
Beetle, Fascinating Trilobite beetle, spread and mounted in a black frame
Beetle, Gorgeous Blue Jewel beetle, spread and mounted in a black wooden frame
Beetle, Gorgeous stag beetle, spread and mounted in a black frame
Beetle, Impressive Rhinoceros Beetle, spread and mounted in a black, wooden frame
Beetle, Incredible natural art, the sparkly, Scarlet-head Jewel beetle from Thailand (D)
Beetle, Log boring beetle, spread and mounted in a glass dome (G)
Beetle, Mimela chrysoprasa, Beetle Papered specimen
Beetle, Mormolyce phyllodes Beetle, Papered Specimen
Beetle, Spectacular Goliath beetle, spread and mounted in a glass dome
Beetle, Spectacular rhinoceros and stag beetle frame
Beetle, Stunning Jewel beetle, spread and mounted in a glass dome (C)
Beetle, Stunning Metallic Stag beetle, spread and mounted in a glass dome (E)
Beetle, Unique jewel beetle collage, mounted in a black, wooden frame
Beetle, Wallace’s long horn beetle, mounted in a glass dome
Beetle, Weevils, Five mounted in a dome
Bird, Barred buttonquail skeleton, real bone #6
Bird, Beautiful Javan Kingfisher Skeleton #7
Bird, Bee eater skull, real bone (#3)
Bird, Bee-eater skeleton, real bone #2
Bird, Chicken skull, real bone
Bird, Domestic Pigeon Skeleton, real bone #1
Bird, Emu toe, real bone
Bird, Finch skull, real bone (#4)
Bird, Flower pecker bird skull, real bone (#16)
Bird, Glossy swiftlet skeleton, real bone #19
Bird, Iora bird skull, real bone (#1)