Acrylic 4 peg stand 1¾” x 4¼” x 3½” (H x W x D)
Acrylic block, Bat, Bamboo bat set in resin dome
Acrylic block, Bee, Fantastic hornet, wasp and bee collection, set in acrylic resin
Acrylic block, Bee, Life cycle of the Honey bee set in Acrylic Resin
Acrylic block, Bee, Simplified Honey Bee life cycle
Acrylic block, Beetle, 3 Chafer Beetles set in acrylic resin
Acrylic block, Beetle, 3 Colorful Scarab Beetles set in acrylic resin
Acrylic block, Beetle, 8 Beautiful, Iridescent Green Beetles, set in acrylic resin
Acrylic block, Beetle, Mountain Stag Beetle set in acrylic resin
Acrylic block, bracelet with a real Beetle, Shining leaf chafer beetle
Acrylic block, bracelet with a real Scorpion, Chinese golden scorpion
Acrylic block, bracelet with a real Scorpion, Chinese scorpion
Acrylic block, bracelet with a real Spider, Spiny spider
Acrylic block, bracelet with a real Wasp, Paper wasp
Acrylic block, Brains, Collection of 5 Comparative Brains set in acrylic resin
Acrylic block, Centipede, Giant Centipede set in acrylic resin
Acrylic block, Cicada, Life Cycle of the Cicada set in acrylic resin
Acrylic block, Dragonfly, Life Cycle of the Dragonfly set in acrylic resin
Acrylic block, Frog, Simplified frog life cycle set in acrylic resin
Acrylic block, Hearts, 5 Comparative Hearts set in acrylic resin
Acrylic block, Hornet, Wasp, and Paper Wasp, set in acrylic resin
Acrylic block, Mantis Shrimp set in acrylic resin
Acrylic block, necklace with a real Beetle, Green Rose Chafer beetle
Acrylic block, necklace with a real Beetle, Shining leaf chafer beetle
Acrylic block, necklace with a real Beetle, Unicorn beetle
Acrylic block, necklace with a real Scorpion, Chinese golden scorpion
Acrylic block, necklace with a real Scorpion, Chinese scorpion
Acrylic block, necklace with a real Spider, Spiny spider
Acrylic block, Octopus set in acrylic resin
Acrylic block, Piranha (Pristobrycon denticulatus) set in acrylic resin
Acrylic block, Praying Mantis set in Acrylic Resin
Acrylic block, Scorpion set in acrylic resin
Acrylic block, Scorpion, Black Scorpion set in Acrylic Resin
Acrylic block, Spider, Collection of 3 Spiders, set in acrylic resin
Acrylic block, Spider, Giant Orb Weaver Spider set in acrylic resin
Acrylic block, Spider, Orb Weaver (medium) set in acrylic resin
Acrylic block, Spider, Tarantula set in acrylic resin
Acrylic block, Stick Insect with Stick, set in Acrylic Resin
Acrylic block, Turtle, Red Eared Slider Turtle set in acrylic resin
Acrylic Clear display ring 1″ high x 1 5/8″ diameter
Acrylic Clear display ring 1″ high x 2″ diameter
Acrylic Geode triangle ¾” H x 1½” W x 1¼” D
Acrylic Paired half display 1½” x 8″ x 3½” (H x W x D)
Acrylic Three peg display stand (short front leg) ⅞” x 2″ x 1½” (H x W x D)
Acrylic Three prong “tulip stand” 1½” H x 2″ D
Acrylic Three prong “tulip stand” 2⅛” H x 3″ D
Acrylic Triangular easel 1½” x 1¼” x 1½” (H x W x D)
Acrylic Triangular easel 2⅛” x 1¾” x 2″ (H x W x D)
Acrylic Triangular easel 3⅜” x 3⅛” x 1⅞” (H x W x D)
Acrylic Two piece easel (2″ x 1½” x 2⅝” (H x W x D)
Acrylic Two piece easel 3⅛” x 2½” x 3½” (H x W x D)
Adorable bird on a perch earrings
Adorable taxidermy opossum head, mounted on a black base
Adorable taxidermy raccoon head, mounted on a black, wooden base
Authentic Huichol beaded mask
Authentic, Black Clay Luminaria pottery piece from Oaxaca, Mexico
Bat Skeleton (large) set in acrylic resin
Bat Skeleton, Small, set in acrylic resin
Bat, Diadem leaf-nosed Bat, mounted in a glass dome
Bat, Dramatic, red bat, mounted in a glass dome
Bat, Fruit bat, 1/2 skeleton, 1/2 skin, mounted in a glass dome
Bat, Horse shoe Bats (2) mounted in a glass dome
Beetle, Eupholus magnificus (key chain)
Black Plastic Frame with clear membrane 180s
Black Plastic frame with clear membrane – 110s
Black Plastic frame with clear membrane – 140s
Black Plastic frame with clear membrane – 50s
Black Plastic frame with clear membrane – 70s
Black Plastic frame with clear membrane – 90s
Black Plastic frame with clear membrane – circular opening – 160sc
Black Plastic frame with clear membrane – Circular Opening – 90sc
Black Plastic Frame with clear membrane 140s
Black Rectangular Plastic frame with clear membrane – 230r
Black Rectangular plastic frame with clear membrane 300r
Blue carpenter bee, spread and suspended in a plastic frame
Bracelet made of African Turquoise mineral with 8 mm spheres
Bracelet made of Aquamarine mineral with 8 mm spheres
Bracelet made of Black Obsidian mineral with 8 mm spheres
Bracelet made of Hematite mineral with 8 mm spheres
Bracelet made of Lapis lazuli mineral with 8 mm spheres
Bracelet made of Lava stone mineral with 8 mm spheres
Bracelet made of Malachite mineral with 8 mm spheres
Bracelet made of Mountain Jade mineral with 8 mm spheres
Bracelet made of Pyrite mineral with 8 mm spheres
Bracelet made of Rose Quartz mineral with 8 mm spheres
Bracelet made of Ruby zoisite mineral with 8 mm spheres
Bracelet made of Strawberry Quartz mineral with 8 mm spheres
Bracelet made of Tiger’s eye mineral with 8 mm spheres
Bracelet made of Unakite mineral with 8 mm spheres
Diadem leaf-nosed bat, spread and mounted in a black frame
Ducklings mounted in a glass dome
Earrings – Knife Earrings
eGift Card
Elegant, hand carved wooden horse
European skull hanger
Exquisite lanternfly mounted in a box
Fabulous Cane Toad Key Ring
Fabulous fruit bat with folded wings
Fabulous, real jewel beetle earrings
Fantastic and beautiful, hand carved, wooden “wise man”