Acrylic block, Bat and bat skeleton, set in acrylic resin T325
Acrylic block, Bat, set in acrylic resin. DD209
Acrylic block, Bird skeleton set in acrylic resin
Alligator skull, real bone
Alligator tail, articulated bones
Baboon (Chacma) Adult Male skull, real bone
Badger Skull, real bone
Bat, Diadem leaf-nosed bat skull, real bone (#8)
Bat, Fruit bat skeleton hanging in a glass dome (RL)
Bat, Greater short nosed fruit bat skull mounted in a glass dome CS
Bat, Tiny bat skeleton, mounted in a tiny dome
Beaver Skull, real bone
Bird, Barred buttonquail skeleton, real bone #6
Bird, Beautiful Javan Kingfisher Skeleton #7
Bird, Bee-eater skeleton, real bone #2
Bird, Chicken skull, real bone
Bird, Emu toe, real bone
Bird, Finch skull, real bone (#4)
Bird, Flower pecker bird skull, real bone (#16)
Bird, Iora bird skull, real bone (#1)
Bird, Pheasant skull mounted in a glass dome
Bird, Plain wren-warbler skeleton, real bone #4
Bird, Sooty headed bulbul skeleton #3
Bird, Sparrow skull, real bone (#13)
Bird, Spotted dove skeleton, real bone #17
Bird, Spotted munia skeleton, real bone #9
Bird, White-breasted waterhen skeleton, real bone #10
Bird, Zebra dove bird skull (#25)
Bison skull, Bull, real bone
Blesbok skull, real bone
Bobcat skull, real bone
Camel skull, real bone
Cape Buffalo Skull, real bone. Please ask if photos are of current skull available.
Cat (Domestic) skull, real bone
Cat skull with “butterfly bow,” mounted in a glass dome
Cow toe, real bone
Coyote skull (hand painted), real bone
Coyote Skull, real bone
Eland skull, male, real bone
Elk toe, real bone
Fossil, Jaw, Woolly rhinoceros teeth and jaw fragment, Incredible specimen
Fossil, T-Rex bone fragment in a Riker mount
Fossil, Tooth, Fossilized Spinosaurus tooth
Fox Skull, real bone
Frog, Fanged river frog skeleton, real bone
Gar skull, mounted in a glass dome
Gemsbok or South African Oryx skull, real bone
Giraffe skull, Female, real bone
Great barracuda skull, real bone
Guinea pig skeleton, real bone
Guinea Pig Skull, real bone
Hanging deer toe, real bone
Hedgehog skull, real bone
Human vertebrae, mounted in a glass dome
Iguana skull, real bone, mounted on an acrylic stand
Impala skull, real bone
Impressive Bison jaw, real bone
Interesting articulated beaver tail specimen
Interesting Horse hoof bone
Jack rabbit skull, real bone
Jaw, Genuine Beaver jaw bone
Jaw, Genuine Coyote jaw bone
Jaw, Genuine Deer jaw bone
Kudu (XL) skull and horns
Lizard, Forest lizard skull, mounted in a tiny dome
Lizard, Maned Forest Lizard skull, real bone (#11)
Lynx skull, real bone, mounted in a dome
Mink skull, real bone
Mole, Eastern Mole skeleton, real bone
Mole, Eastern mole skull in tiny dome
Mole, Eastern mole skull, real bone (C)
Monkey (Vervet) skull mounted in a glass dome
Monkey (Vervet) skull, Adult Male, real bone
Opossum Skull, real bone
Otter Skull, real bone
Prairie Dog skull, Real bone
Ram skull, Carved, real bone
Rat, Rice field rat skull, real bone (#10)
Skunk skull, real bone
Snake, Ball python skull, mounted in a glass dome
Snake, Ball python skull, real bone
Snake, Coiled Malayan Krait skeleton, mounted in a glass dome
Snake, Small Bottle of Western Diamondback Rattlesnake Vertebrae
Snake, Viper skull mounted in a tiny dome
Snake, White lipped viper skull, real bone (#5)
Springbok skull, male, real bone
Squirrel skull, real bone (#34)
Toad Skeleton (large) with card to identify bones
Toad, Asian common toad skeleton, real bone
Toad, Asian Common Toad skull, real bone (#6)
Warthog skull, Carved, real bone
Water buffalo skull, African, real bone
Waterbuck skull, real bone
Watusi skull, real bone
Wildebeest (Black) skull, Female, real bone
Wildebeest (Black) skull, male, real bone
Wildebeest (Blue) skull, Male, real bone
Wolf, Timberwolf, skull, real bone
Zebra skull, real bone