Acrylic block, Bee, Honey Bee life cycle, set in acrylic resin
Acrylic block, Bee, Simplified Honey Bee life cycle
Acrylic block, Beetle, 10 beetles, set in acrylic resin
Acrylic block, Butterfly, Life cycle of the cabbage butterfly, set in acrylic resin
Acrylic block, Spider, Simplified Spider life cycle set in resin
Acrylic block, Spider, Tarantula, set in acrylic resin. BK3
Attacus atlas, Snake head moth
$29.00 – $54.00
Bee, Beautiful blue carpenter bee frame
Bee, Beautiful, black carpenter bee, suspended in a plastic frame
Bee, Yellow carpenter bee, spread and suspended in a plastic frame
Beetle, Beautifully spread and mounted rhinoceros beetle
Beetle, Black and blue striped longhorn beetle, mounted in a glass dome
Beetle, Blue weevil, mounted in a glass dome
Beetle, Fascinating Trilobite beetle, spread and mounted in a black frame
Beetle, Flower chafer beetle collection, spread and mounted in a black frame
Beetle, Giraffe Stag Beetle mounted in a glass dome
Beetle, Gorgeous Blue Jewel beetle, spread and mounted in a black wooden frame
Beetle, Incredible natural art, the sparkly, Scarlet-head Jewel beetle from Thailand (D)
Beetle, Log boring beetle, spread and mounted in a glass dome (G)
Beetle, Radiant Sawtooth beetle, spread and mounted in a glass dome (B)
Beetle, Spectacular Goliath beetle, spread and mounted in a glass dome
Beetle, Spectacular Harlequin beetle, spread and mounted in a black frame
Beetle, Spectacular rhinoceros and stag beetle frame
Beetle, Spectacular stag beetle, spread and mounted in a black frame
Beetle, Stunning green scarab beetle, spread and mounted in a glass dome (A)
Beetle, Stunning Jewel beetle, spread and mounted in a glass dome (C)
Beetle, Stunning Metallic Stag beetle, spread and mounted in a glass dome (E)
Beetle, Unique jewel beetle collage, mounted in a black, wooden frame
Beetle, Wallace’s long horn beetle, mounted in a glass dome
Beetle, Weevils, Five mounted in a dome
Blue carpenter bee, spread and suspended in a plastic frame
Butterfly, Beautiful Peranthus Swallowtail, spread and mounted in a black frame
Butterfly, Gorgeous Morpho Didius Butterfly
Butterfly, Gorgeous Ulysses Swallowtail, spread and mounted in a black frame
Butterfly, Graphium milon butterfly, mounted on glass
Butterfly, Lovely Morpho Sulkowski butterfly, mounted on glass
Butterfly, Morpho Achilles butterfly
Butterfly, Morpho Didius, spread and mounted in a black frame
Butterfly, Morpho Marcus butterfly mounted on glass
Butterfly, Papilio Peranthus Transiens butterfly, mounted on glass
Butterfly, Poseidon Birdwing butterfly, spread and mounted in a black frame
Butterfly, Pretty, little purple swallowtail butterfly, mounted on glass
Butterfly, Stunning Blumei Butterfly
Butterfly, Underside of the Painted Beauty Butterfly, spread and mounted in a black wooden frame
Butterfly, Wonderful Brookiana Butterfly, spread and mounted in a black frame
Cicada, Beautiful, turquoise cicada, mounted in a black, wooden frame
Dragonfly, spread and mounted in a black frame
Exquisite lanternfly mounted in a box
Fabulous, real jewel beetle earrings
Flat-faced longhorn beetle, spread and mounted in a box
Genuine, South American monarch butterfly wing earrings wrapped in sterling silver
Hornet, Vespa Mandarinia, Giant Asian/Giant Japanese hornet Queen, mounted in a dome
Large shield bug, spread and mounted in a box
Largest Soldier ant, spread and mounted in an acrylic box
Leaf mimic, Female mounted in a glass dome
Leaf Mimic, Male and female leaf mimics, mounted in a glass dome
Madagascan Jewel Beetle, mounted in an acrylic box
Moth, Colorful Tiger moths, spread and mounted in a black, wooden frame
Moth, Death’s Head moth, spread and mounted in a glass dome
Moth, Gorgeous silk moth, spread and mounted in a black frame
Moth, Oleander Hawk Moth, spread and mounted in a black frame
Planthopper Delightful Saw tooth planthopper, spread and mounted in a black frame
Planthopper, Beautiful collection of lantern flies/plant hoppers, spread and mounted in a black frame
Planthopper, Beautiful, Red-nose lantern fly/plant hopper, spread and mounted in a black frame
Planthopper, Colorful collection of lanternflies/plant hoppers, spread and mounted in a black wooden frame (B)
Planthopper, Peanut-head lanternfly/plant hopper, spread and mounted in a black frame
Planthopper, Stunning collection of colorful lanternflies/plant hoppers, spread and mounted in a black frame
Praying Mantis, Stunning Devil’s Flower Mantis, mounted in a black, wooden frame
Shield bug specimen, spread and mounted in a box
Spider, Nephila maculata, Beautiful orb weaver spider, spread and mounted in a black frame
Striped weevil, spread and mounted in a box
Vibrant sawtooth beetle, mounted in an acrylic box
Vibrant, genuine jewel beetle earrings