Magical collection of 40 minerals in little bottles. Each bottle is approximately 1 1/2 inches high. The box itself is 9 1/4 inches long and 6 1/8 inches tall. Makes a great gift!
Minerals included:
lapis lazuli, rose quartz, tiger’s eye, snowflake obsidian, garnet, quartz crystal, crazy lace agate, red jasper, fluorite, moss agate, blue hair crystal, rutilated quartz, gold sandstone, cherry agate, gold obsidian, gypsum, rock quartz, southern red agate, moonstone, ice obsidian, Persian agate, golden sunstone, black tourmaline, pyrite, peridot, red quartz, kunzite, obsidian, coral fossil jade, strawberry quartz, green aventurine, citrine, labradorite, amethyst, blue topaz, African blood stone, mookaite, prehnite, howlite, powder opal.